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e-learning Standards Mapping

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PROJECT NEED: Mapping New National Educational Standards to eLearning Courses


  • Company: Global Software Company
  • Client: Education & Online Learning Groups
  • Overview:

A world leader in software productivity tools wanted to ensure the courses they offered matched-up with a newly adopted national standards initiative. Especially important were the online certification courses offered through their academy to the nation’s schools. The push for consistent 21st Century skills and standards are a growing movement in both Math and English, along with a separate set of career and technical standards.

  • Big Questions:

(1) How can the many different products meet standards to provide a valuable learning experience?
(2) Are lessons and activities consistent with developing the important skills required to meet the standards?
(3) What are the academic supports that an instructor would need to meet standards at various grade levels within each product?


WWWebMaster was retained by the leading, approved, solutions provider for publishing instructional manuals and tutorials for the software company. As one part of a high-performing production team, we worked with instructional designers and subject matter experts, collaborating from many different cities in the US.
WWWebMaster’s role was four-fold:
(1) To map the current content to the new national standards.
(2) Consult with product experts on areas for improvement in instruction.
(3) Build lessons and activities to meet standards.
(4) Provide in-course documentation to provide scaffolding for different grade-level instructors to understand alternative ways they could meet additional national standards.
WWWebMaster provided this expertise for standards in Math & English and Career & Technical Education, for successful project completion.
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